Tuesday 9 February 2016

Soft Reminder

When we are fighting the economy in this 2016, the are a few category that we should always look forward to.

1) Wealth
It is always a rich person before you becoming poor.

2) Free
Always appreciate your free time because you will never know when will you be busy again. Once you are busy, appreciate your busy time too because you will never know when will you have your last day at work. 

3) Health
When you are in your thirties, you will encounter a lot of issue especially with all the elder folks in your family. You will notice that they are often visiting the hospital without you realize that they will heading away from you. Very far away. It is always good to be healthy. But a healthy today cannot guarantee a healthy tomorrow. The sickness will always come along in human life. When the time has come, there is nothing more that we could do. Learn to accept the fact right.

4) Youth
Being young is always the great year. All the people in early 20s is at their best ten years before they started to commit to marriage and career. Beware that after your youth, adult come along with responsibility.

5) Life
Last but not least, appreciate what happens in your life now and be grateful always as we never know when will God take us away.

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