Tuesday 9 February 2016

Money Comes Easy

Many would say, if you don't change yourself yourself, then who will?
"Have you never thought of luxury car and wonderful vacation?"
"This is the only chance that you can make a lot of money."

"By paying premium amount of XXXX, you will get back almost 1000xxxxx in return."

"Do you still need to do the office job whereby actually you have another option by joining our group, you will spend more time for your family?"

"Ever came across something that will give you a good returns instead of waiting for the fixed deposit returns?"

"Financial freedom for anyone who is wise to choose our program"

Sounds familiar? I heard about all this a lot and I have been tricked to join this type of scam multiple times already. And still I cannot believe myself. That I am falling to their trick again and again. Guess what? I have not getting any returns at all. Well, I would say I manage to get some but it was very minimal amount. I shall not screenshot it here. I don't mean to recruit anyone by writing it here anyway.

They (the upline) would say that I don't do enough. If I want to gain more, I shall need to recruit new member. By recruiting new member, I will get a very high amount of commission (contributed by the joining fee of purchasing any product available). This membership also have a validity period. Shall you wanted to be active again, you will need to re-apply. Some of the membership valid for 1 year only. It really depends on which program are you joining.

Sounds not easy to gain the wealth, right?

Some might need you to buy their product, recruiting new member again and again to maintain your monthly income. Whats the point of having their product and getting the commission then?

The product varies from fruit juice, multivitamin supply and etc. Its basically almost the same product that you can find in your local stores with the same benefits. Why should we choose the expensive one? For the commission? Did I not mentioning that the joining fee is very expensive earlier? And sometimes, they said that they can give you a cheaper price too. That is where the lies begin.

After they recruit you, you will then need to seek out for your friends who is easy to be persuade to join. And when your friend has join, your friend will invite her/his friend. You will surely try to look for your family members too. Will they interested to join you? Will you speak daringly mentioning how good is your product and telling them that by joining this group will lead you to success?

Favorable quote "By eating this product, you will chase all the bad bacteria away"

Have you met a doctor and the doctor is asking you if you get any better after he prescribed you with a paracetamol. If you are getting well already, do you think you will need paracetamol every other healthy day? I mean, do you need a monthly supply of it? Do doctors earn any commission out from it? Do you believe that you will need to repeat the order just to chase away the headache?

Have you ever thought of why do you need to take that multivitamin and they advise you to drink a lot of water at the same time? Have you ever recall that while in school, you have learn that you need a lot of water for your health. Our teacher never told us that if you drink enough water, you will have a glowing and healthy skin.

The supplement is just a supplement. Please compare the price. How can it be so expensive as compare to the market price? It is the roots of the system.

Some of the system going around and talk to you and telling you that they do not have product for you to sale. But the registration is very interesting. You will need to pay around RM4k plus to be a member. And then they will give you a water filter (for a lifetime usage). No need to be service or whatever. Next step, just find your friend who wish to have a clean water too. Got the hang in there? If you manage to recruit more people, the more you will earn. Good luck.

You can try to promote to the poor people with this statement. If you do not have money now, you can pay it on monthly basis around RM 180.00per month. Your choice. Its good for your health. The most important part is that you will have clean water in the end of the day. 

Why did I know all of this? I know a lot of friends doing all of this easy money thing. I even came across the water filter thing from a bank officer. The thing that did not surprise me much is the fact that he is still a bank officer now. He said that he makes a lot of money by selling the water filter back then the first time he introduce me to the scheme.

Probably its not easy to get a new prospect, right? Why don't you just cheat yourself, recruit yourself and only you are the one in it? You will at last saving money for yourself. I am cheating myself like that though if you know what I mean.

What you do is always your choice. If I said that I am not interested in joining your group, please do not be mad. Life is too short for you to lose friend along the way.

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