Sunday 21 February 2016

Notes - Going Home

We received the bad news at around 6.30am and we start our journey to Long Banga at 12.00midnight on the same day due to our cousin flight arrival from Kuala Lumpur at 11.30pm.

Arrive at Long Banga at 8.00am and giving her our last respect before proceed to the cemetary at about 12.00noon. After arrived from the cemetary, we had lunch and time to re-packed our things.

Since our drivers is not yet ready to drive back to Miri today, we plan to go for swimming at our very own river. Received the bad news at around 7.00pm from my in-laws in Miri.

Heading back to Miri at 8.00am and arrived at 4.00pm and we went straight to my husband grandmothers' place. Heading back to my own house by 6.00pm and return back to their house for prayer gathering.

While waiting for his elder sister to arrive from Kuala Lumpur, we had another night of prayers.

Sending her to the cemetery in Miri.

May their soul both rest in peace.

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