Monday 1 February 2016

Kedaulatan Undang-Undang: Remember (Korean Drama)

I am definitely not a good writer. I did not score the best in my test especially with essay question. I remember that I score C+ in my Economic Study. If I were to study on our current economy, I am pretty sure that my answer will be based on my feelings, my own assumption and will not based on the facts.

Why am I into Korean drama? 

Honestly, it is because the plot of the drama is the reality of our current situation.

In this drama (I am talking about this drama entitled Remember), those who has money will always win the court (heart) regardless of the fact that he (the rich person) was a murderer. Even the attorney general is showed to be working closely to that rich family to get them away every time his son create problems. Even the issues of illegal fund was also included in this drama. It is surely not like any other ordinary drama (in my opinion).

Even most people tried their best to hunt them (the rich family) down, to look for evidence, something always came up. You might get killed if you choose to betray the rich family. The poor should just be poor and let the rich do whatever they want to.

An innocent person is sentence to death of what he is not doing. Do you know why? Because the son of the rich once said, it is wrong to be born poor. That innocent guy has to accept the fact that he is poor and the poor will have to carry all of the rich wrongdoings sentence. Being poor itself is not your choice. You just born to be poor. But it is not right to put you in jail just to cover what the rich are doing. That is why we have the above. Kedaulatan Undang-Undang. Sepatutnya, lah.

Should there be something wrong at our legal system, who can make it right? Will we be buried by the fact that the MONEY IS THE KING?

I know I cannot do much too. My opinion is just my conclusion of the Korean drama that I have been watching lately. Unfortunately, it seems to be real.

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