Tuesday 23 February 2016

Snow White and Friends

When I was a kid, I often watched all the Disney world movie. To name a few, Snow White and The Seven Drawf, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Beauty & The Beast, Jack & Beanstalk, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Aladin and others.

As I grow older, one thing that I notice is that all of this characters never grow old. Because if they did, then our new generation would not be able to watch them anymore.

I am glad to see that the kids nowadays still be able to enjoy this movie though there are a lot issue raise from them as different people will always come out with different opinion.

As for my own opinion, I would not try to condemn Snow White for staying with 7 dwarf in the jungle. It was just a coincidence that she passed through their places while running away from her step mum. There is no such thing saying that it is teaching a bad behavior to the kids who watching it.

And for Beauty & The Best, it is not logic to say that every girl in this world should find a great looking husband. As for the Beast, it is not his choice that he become a beast.

In fact, all of this are fairy tale. And there should be no modern fairy tale too. As nobody can create a good movie like what Walt Disney has made before.

Every movie has it owns moral value. We create and we assume all the value from our own wisdom.

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