Monday 29 February 2016

Rojak Tauhu Sedap

Potong tauhu (bahagi kepada 5 bahagian) - Goreng - Angkat - Ketepikan

Bahan tumbuk: 3 ulas bawang putih, cili (ikut kepedasan) dan kacang goreng 

Masukkan gula, kicap manis ke dalam bahan tumbuk

Potong tauhu yang sudah digoreng 

Celur tauge 

Potong timun mengikut citarasa

Gaulkan tauhu/tauge/timun dan curahkan sos di atasnya

Nyum nyum...

It is sure tasty because I can see it by only imagining it. 

Sunday 28 February 2016

Chocolate Cake Made Simple

1 1/2 cup flour
3 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp baking powder
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt

add in vinegar, vanilla essence, 5 tbsp vegetable oil and 1 cup of water

mixed well and bake at 350' for 30 minutes or so depending on your oven

hoping that you will bring it to your kitchen to bake and enjoy : )

Saturday 27 February 2016

Thank You, God

Being far from the positive thoughts, I did not know that he will get this lucky offer after been released by a famous oil and gas company.

As many would understood, there are politics in every company.  Someone can bring you in and someone can take you out. Sometimes, it really depends on our achievement. But sometimes, it depends on how well you pushing yourself up.

Some people work hard for what they have today. Some have it in a very easy way i.e a gift from beloved father or any other family members, or even from in laws.

For those who work hard themself, they see what the others could not. They have the strong instinct that pushing them towards their dreams. Normally, they do not have big dreams. They have measure it well according to their shoe.

I am very glad that I am given the opportunity to know this kind of person who has been working so hard for the sake of the family without seeking nobody' help.

I am super glad that this person has thought me a lot about living in this cruel world and that I m thanking God a lot for his blessing.

When I was thinking that I was at the end of the road, God has lighten  up my way and given us the 2nd path.

Sometimes I forgotten to pray but God has never leave me as His love for me is real. Amein.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Leesang Blues Lyric English Translation

My life was always rough with love
Like a thrown away umbrella, I was always in cold, loneliness and serious insult
I tolerated all of these and got dumped several times
I was a wanderer looking for true love

But this one beautiful girl made my steps stop
My life has been an endless runway since I’ve engraved you in my heart
I’ve been reborn, into a red flower

*Loving you, the shy smile
Loving you, the two soft hands
Your eyes seduce me, make my heart cry, how.. how..
Loving you, always never change loving you, because you embrace me
The flowers on the meadow and the moon in the dark are jealous of me

My life was a thornbush before I met you
But now it’s a rigid building
I’m like the fool Ondal^ who can only smile at this big love
My life is brighter than that full moon

(You are like) A window with sunshine
(Your whisper is like) A grandma’s lullaby

When I think of it, everything is just peaceful
The most beautiful harmony in the world is you and I
I’m this happy because of you
Compared to that what I can do for you is to let my arm be your pillow
Or to hug you tight as if your bones will break

I’m sorry, to you who have made a place for me in your heart
I will be your shoes, put me on and go wherever you want
Don’t worry about stepping on dirty things
I will embrace it without anyone noticing
But promise me that you’ll be next to me until death

Losing Fat In The Right Way

Its kinda hard to lose weight, right?

Been trying it myself about 2 years back when I was very determined to drop my weight from 55 kg to 46kg.

My diet was a sweet drink for breakfast, cereal for lunch and nothing for dinner.

I maintain this schedule for about 6 months that I manage to kick out all the fat.

After a while, all my family members said that I don't look well when I was that thin. I need to have more meat.

Its okay if you choose to be skinny.

1 tricky question for sure. Can you say NO to all the delicious food?

I cannot say no after 6 months saying NO.

That is why my fat grow again.

Thank you.

Malaysian Jelly Ice-cream

We tend to get addicted / influence by everything that happening in our surrounding. At this very moment, all the people in our community has been talking about the above ice cream. The white colour liquid is the a mixture of a evaporated and condensed milk. To add the colour, just add in the jelly that you can find at almost every store in your neighbourhood.

Cook it all together. Once simmer, wait until its cool. Before adding the jelly.

Freeze it in your freezer and wait for a few hours before you can really enjoy them as an ice-cream.


Its been 10 years back since I was young. When I look at older people faces, and that my family old folks keeping a straight line going back to heaven, I could not deny the facts that I am getting older too.

One thing for sure that we will always keep the memories.

With that, I hope that I will be remembered when I disappeared from this world. No regret.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Tasty Chicken Stew Iban Style

Just wondering if the the tradition will be kept by the youngsters nowadays.

This recipe is very simple. Normally, Iban people will use the old 'kampung' chicken to be made into this kind of stew where they will be using a bamboo stick to cook them on fire.

Just add in the chicken, salt, garlic, ginger. Topped with tapioca leaves to add the aroma and extra taste to the chicken.

And its done.

The only hard part on this recipe is to find the bamboo stick.

The rest is all depending on you.

Hope this recipe is being helpful to you in an easiest way to make it and still it is very delicious for you to bring into your kitchen to try and to enjoy.

Happy cooking.

 Photos: Credited to Google Images
Photos: Credited to Google Images

Grilled Pork Recipe

Awesome menu, right? Its about time to post something on food.

On my personal taste, I would like my pork to be well marinated and that it must have the crispy texture on the outside but a very chewy inside.

At first, I will marinade my pork with oyster sauce + salt to taste + garlic + black pepper at least for about 6 hours.

Before the pork is done the way I like it, I will pat in a little brown sugar to the both side of the pork.

And its time to enjoy it (wrap it out with salad) add in chili and it does taste awesome..yum yum...

Images Credit to: Google Images

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Monday Couple

Thinking about Running Man at this moment?

I am thinking about them almost all of the time while I was on my working desk.

I mean, I will be watching their series on my mini desktop.

It feels like home.


Photos taken from Google.

Running Man

Why I love this variety show?

1) Its funny
2) Its entertaining
3) The games are awesome
4) The cast are awesome
5) I love the way they bring up Korean value in their show i.e food / culture and etc
6) I love Monday Couple
7) I love the fact that the Running Man team working very hard for every episode
8) I love Running Man either its sunny or rainy days
9) I love grasshopper / giraffe / tiger / rabbit / monkey / impala / haroro
10) I love the weakling in the show, the ace, the toughest and also the rest of the members as they compliment each other so well.

What did I learn from this show?

1) Friendship
2) Never trust no one
3) Be wise on decision making
4) Don't jump into conclusion before you investigating it thoroughly
5) Its always okay to dress down
6) Don't spoil yourself just to impress others
7) Do whatever you like in life and makes your dreams come true
8) Always work hard
9) Never get bored of whatever you do nor its about your job or your life
10) Always be grateful of what you have today because you never know when will you lose them
11) Its not wrong to be yourself (weakling) as long as you do not ruin others life
12) Its always good to be strong but do not bully others

And many more :)

Snow White and Friends

When I was a kid, I often watched all the Disney world movie. To name a few, Snow White and The Seven Drawf, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Beauty & The Beast, Jack & Beanstalk, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Aladin and others.

As I grow older, one thing that I notice is that all of this characters never grow old. Because if they did, then our new generation would not be able to watch them anymore.

I am glad to see that the kids nowadays still be able to enjoy this movie though there are a lot issue raise from them as different people will always come out with different opinion.

As for my own opinion, I would not try to condemn Snow White for staying with 7 dwarf in the jungle. It was just a coincidence that she passed through their places while running away from her step mum. There is no such thing saying that it is teaching a bad behavior to the kids who watching it.

And for Beauty & The Best, it is not logic to say that every girl in this world should find a great looking husband. As for the Beast, it is not his choice that he become a beast.

In fact, all of this are fairy tale. And there should be no modern fairy tale too. As nobody can create a good movie like what Walt Disney has made before.

Every movie has it owns moral value. We create and we assume all the value from our own wisdom.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Notes - Going Home

We received the bad news at around 6.30am and we start our journey to Long Banga at 12.00midnight on the same day due to our cousin flight arrival from Kuala Lumpur at 11.30pm.

Arrive at Long Banga at 8.00am and giving her our last respect before proceed to the cemetary at about 12.00noon. After arrived from the cemetary, we had lunch and time to re-packed our things.

Since our drivers is not yet ready to drive back to Miri today, we plan to go for swimming at our very own river. Received the bad news at around 7.00pm from my in-laws in Miri.

Heading back to Miri at 8.00am and arrived at 4.00pm and we went straight to my husband grandmothers' place. Heading back to my own house by 6.00pm and return back to their house for prayer gathering.

While waiting for his elder sister to arrive from Kuala Lumpur, we had another night of prayers.

Sending her to the cemetery in Miri.

May their soul both rest in peace.

Thursday 11 February 2016


The economy is getting slower. Everyone is in the brink of their job. Some might even lost their job a couple of months ago. Sad. It is really sad indeed.

Does the implementation of GST is a part of making ways for government to help the people? He said that with this remarkable GST, the rakyat will gain more by purchasing low prices of multiple product and at the same time the government will earn their income too.

Its not long before the GST first started. How come we purchase less nowadays? He said that most of the items will have a drop in pricing. See what happens behind you. Even the minor thing cost you more nowadays.

Some people suggested that a bowl with little quantity of noodle inside cost you RM 1.60 consider cheap. As a rational kind of person, you would not want to eat at that coffee shop. RM 1.60 of noodle is only about a spoonful of meal. You will need to buy almost 20 bowls for 1 normal bowl which cost you about RM 6 or RM 9 the most in other coffee shop whereby at this coffee shop you will need to spend about RM 32. That is a way too much.

Allow me to assume that you are on diet. So, you will eat only 2/3 bowls maybe. The price about RM 4.8 the most. Consider cheap to you ha small eater? Never think of those big eater? Never ever said that this noodle is cheap because there is no way that a hungry person will eat 1 bowl only.

At one coffee shop, this noodle cost you RM 9 with less quantity. The other shop might serving this with extra amount but cost you only at RM 6.

The menu are the same but coffee shop A sell it at RM 9 (big bowl) while coffee shop sell it at RM 6 (big bowl) and the other new coffee shop sell it at RM 1.60 (small bowl).

About 5 years back, the prices for all of this coffee shop are all the same. Now I notice why I need to pay 50cents for warm water whereby 5 years back it was free of charge. Its not I actually We all facing all of this together.

The election is just around the corner. Please mark your choices wisely.

Homemade Kimchi

Being able to see and read how does the Korean making their kimchi / pekasam, it does not need a lot of work to do. As long as you are able to follow the recipe.

As for reference

Long Cabbage - slices into small pieces - soak in a water with salt for 2 hours - stir well every 30 minutes

Porridge - boil 2 cups of water - add 2 spoonful glutinous flour - once cook, add in sugar - cook until translucent in color - keep cool

Vegetable - cut the radish and carrot into match stick - cut thinly the chives

Fermented shrimp - to add the taste

Fish sauce - to add the aroma

Chili Flakes - add in according to your taste

Mixed all together in a large basin and keep well in your tight container.

You can choose to eat it on its own or to add into your beef stew / noodle.

Its always great to prepare the food on our own. If you bought the ready made in our local store, they might have put in preservative to keep the longevity. As Mangchii always said, prepare the dish on your own as she had prepared the recipe for us to follow. It just a matter of when we are going to try it out and enjoy.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Soft Reminder

When we are fighting the economy in this 2016, the are a few category that we should always look forward to.

1) Wealth
It is always a rich person before you becoming poor.

2) Free
Always appreciate your free time because you will never know when will you be busy again. Once you are busy, appreciate your busy time too because you will never know when will you have your last day at work. 

3) Health
When you are in your thirties, you will encounter a lot of issue especially with all the elder folks in your family. You will notice that they are often visiting the hospital without you realize that they will heading away from you. Very far away. It is always good to be healthy. But a healthy today cannot guarantee a healthy tomorrow. The sickness will always come along in human life. When the time has come, there is nothing more that we could do. Learn to accept the fact right.

4) Youth
Being young is always the great year. All the people in early 20s is at their best ten years before they started to commit to marriage and career. Beware that after your youth, adult come along with responsibility.

5) Life
Last but not least, appreciate what happens in your life now and be grateful always as we never know when will God take us away.

Pekasam / Pickled / Kimchi

In old days, hundred of years ago, there are many ways that all mankind are doing in order to keep their food enough for all season. It does not matter where are they, but if we are talking about food, we will always talk about the same menu regardless of you notice it or not.

Come to my senses lately that I notice this.

Found in Malaysia is what we called a "pekasam". This pekasam is vary depending on what sort you like it to be. By adding a sugar/salt, that will compliment the making of this pekasam.

In Korea, they called it as "kimchi" They have a very long list of kimchi. I was once never notice what could it be until one day that I made one. My mother told me that it is almost the same way on how we are making our pekasam here in Malaysia.

The American called their fermented dish a "pickled".

There are slight different in the ingredients of course. But the three of them either using salt nor sugar to ferment the dishes as this two are the main ingredients.

Money Comes Easy

Many would say, if you don't change yourself yourself, then who will?
"Have you never thought of luxury car and wonderful vacation?"
"This is the only chance that you can make a lot of money."

"By paying premium amount of XXXX, you will get back almost 1000xxxxx in return."

"Do you still need to do the office job whereby actually you have another option by joining our group, you will spend more time for your family?"

"Ever came across something that will give you a good returns instead of waiting for the fixed deposit returns?"

"Financial freedom for anyone who is wise to choose our program"

Sounds familiar? I heard about all this a lot and I have been tricked to join this type of scam multiple times already. And still I cannot believe myself. That I am falling to their trick again and again. Guess what? I have not getting any returns at all. Well, I would say I manage to get some but it was very minimal amount. I shall not screenshot it here. I don't mean to recruit anyone by writing it here anyway.

They (the upline) would say that I don't do enough. If I want to gain more, I shall need to recruit new member. By recruiting new member, I will get a very high amount of commission (contributed by the joining fee of purchasing any product available). This membership also have a validity period. Shall you wanted to be active again, you will need to re-apply. Some of the membership valid for 1 year only. It really depends on which program are you joining.

Sounds not easy to gain the wealth, right?

Some might need you to buy their product, recruiting new member again and again to maintain your monthly income. Whats the point of having their product and getting the commission then?

The product varies from fruit juice, multivitamin supply and etc. Its basically almost the same product that you can find in your local stores with the same benefits. Why should we choose the expensive one? For the commission? Did I not mentioning that the joining fee is very expensive earlier? And sometimes, they said that they can give you a cheaper price too. That is where the lies begin.

After they recruit you, you will then need to seek out for your friends who is easy to be persuade to join. And when your friend has join, your friend will invite her/his friend. You will surely try to look for your family members too. Will they interested to join you? Will you speak daringly mentioning how good is your product and telling them that by joining this group will lead you to success?

Favorable quote "By eating this product, you will chase all the bad bacteria away"

Have you met a doctor and the doctor is asking you if you get any better after he prescribed you with a paracetamol. If you are getting well already, do you think you will need paracetamol every other healthy day? I mean, do you need a monthly supply of it? Do doctors earn any commission out from it? Do you believe that you will need to repeat the order just to chase away the headache?

Have you ever thought of why do you need to take that multivitamin and they advise you to drink a lot of water at the same time? Have you ever recall that while in school, you have learn that you need a lot of water for your health. Our teacher never told us that if you drink enough water, you will have a glowing and healthy skin.

The supplement is just a supplement. Please compare the price. How can it be so expensive as compare to the market price? It is the roots of the system.

Some of the system going around and talk to you and telling you that they do not have product for you to sale. But the registration is very interesting. You will need to pay around RM4k plus to be a member. And then they will give you a water filter (for a lifetime usage). No need to be service or whatever. Next step, just find your friend who wish to have a clean water too. Got the hang in there? If you manage to recruit more people, the more you will earn. Good luck.

You can try to promote to the poor people with this statement. If you do not have money now, you can pay it on monthly basis around RM 180.00per month. Your choice. Its good for your health. The most important part is that you will have clean water in the end of the day. 

Why did I know all of this? I know a lot of friends doing all of this easy money thing. I even came across the water filter thing from a bank officer. The thing that did not surprise me much is the fact that he is still a bank officer now. He said that he makes a lot of money by selling the water filter back then the first time he introduce me to the scheme.

Probably its not easy to get a new prospect, right? Why don't you just cheat yourself, recruit yourself and only you are the one in it? You will at last saving money for yourself. I am cheating myself like that though if you know what I mean.

What you do is always your choice. If I said that I am not interested in joining your group, please do not be mad. Life is too short for you to lose friend along the way.

Career Women Vs Full Time Housewife

In this 2016, many have seen career women walking on their way to work at 7.30am. They will hurriedly making their way home by 5.00pm and then continuing their responsibility as a mother, kitchen helper, a teacher and many more.

It is very lucky to be the full time housewife because they do not need to go by the rules of 8 - 5 schedule. They can do a lot of things without even looking at the clock.

The major topic discussed by most people. What are their challenge?

A full time housewife need to wake up as early as 5.00am to prepare her kids to school. Soon after sending off her kids to school, she can just doze up while waiting for the kids to come back from school. Thinking about preparing lunch? She can do the cooking or eating at the coffee shop instead.

She will have a long hours playing with her kids, preparing them food, laundy and many more. Lets say that they love it this way. There is no challenge at all. :)

A career women cum mother will need to wake up at 5.00am to prepare her kids to school. Soon after sending off her kids to school, she will drive straight to her workplace. She will then need to pick up her kids from school and send them to child care (unless if she can keep them with her at her workplace).

Pick up from child care and went straight home. Doing the laundry, cooking and preparing the kids to bed.

Both of them want their kids to grow well mannered and many more credibility that no one could figure out.

Is it your choice that you are currently having a career to be busy with? Is it your destiny that you are marrying a rich guy and you do not need to support him financially? To all the women out there, regardless of you are a career women or a full time house wife, you deserve a big applause as nobody else can ever take your place. Nobody can judge you of what you are doing as nobody knows what is in your shoes.

Monday 1 February 2016

Kedaulatan Undang-Undang: Remember (Korean Drama)

I am definitely not a good writer. I did not score the best in my test especially with essay question. I remember that I score C+ in my Economic Study. If I were to study on our current economy, I am pretty sure that my answer will be based on my feelings, my own assumption and will not based on the facts.

Why am I into Korean drama? 

Honestly, it is because the plot of the drama is the reality of our current situation.

In this drama (I am talking about this drama entitled Remember), those who has money will always win the court (heart) regardless of the fact that he (the rich person) was a murderer. Even the attorney general is showed to be working closely to that rich family to get them away every time his son create problems. Even the issues of illegal fund was also included in this drama. It is surely not like any other ordinary drama (in my opinion).

Even most people tried their best to hunt them (the rich family) down, to look for evidence, something always came up. You might get killed if you choose to betray the rich family. The poor should just be poor and let the rich do whatever they want to.

An innocent person is sentence to death of what he is not doing. Do you know why? Because the son of the rich once said, it is wrong to be born poor. That innocent guy has to accept the fact that he is poor and the poor will have to carry all of the rich wrongdoings sentence. Being poor itself is not your choice. You just born to be poor. But it is not right to put you in jail just to cover what the rich are doing. That is why we have the above. Kedaulatan Undang-Undang. Sepatutnya, lah.

Should there be something wrong at our legal system, who can make it right? Will we be buried by the fact that the MONEY IS THE KING?

I know I cannot do much too. My opinion is just my conclusion of the Korean drama that I have been watching lately. Unfortunately, it seems to be real.

11% to 8% EPF Deduction

The deduction of EPF will now be 8% but fortunately the company is still maintaining their current pay out at 13% per month. 

From this 2 option, you will have to pay 2 different amount of tax. Why? Its very hard to explain in detail. 

But the conclusion is, if you agree for the deduction of 8% per month, by the end of the day you will need to pay double the fee of your current tax amount. Luckily, this thing is optional.

You still have 1 month to do the thinking. 

In fact, there is a lot more to think about.