Wednesday 23 March 2016

Value In Greetings

1) Yesterday was my friend's birthday.

2) He is a boy aged 30, yesterday.

3) He received a numerous number of greetings from all of his friends ( that includes me).

4) The most attentive greetings (from all that I read) is from his father.

5) He quoted " I am your father. I am very glad that you are of what you are today. As I grow older, I do not expect so much from you. Consider that I do not expect anything from you, as long as I know that you are capable of bringing yourself up even when I will be gone from this temporary world. I am grateful of what I have, and the only thing that I can do now is waiting for you to push me down from the cliff. When that happens, I know and I believe I have done so much for you to stay strong on your own. "

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