Tuesday 14 June 2016

Original Versus Fake Product

Been watching 1 video on how the people in China creating a bouquet of cabbages from a scratch (plastic like liquid).

Lately, in 2016 there are many more fake products which is all came from China mainly cosmetic product.

Below are a few question that you should try to answer before proceeding on buying fake products:

1) What will happen if you wear fake product?
2) Why does original product would cost you more?
3) Do the ingredients vary?
4) Does it have laboratory tested result to prove its ingredients?

Seller product online: mostly depending on cheap product bought from China to attract the attention of small income buyers.

Due to the economic situation now, I believe that almost everywhere, people are trying their best to ensure that they can earn money from home. To make it even worst, even a syrup can cost you almost RM 200.00 per bottle just for the sake of their upline.

Think wisely before you spend your money because the economic of our country is currently even worse than 1997 inflation.

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