Wednesday 13 July 2016

Christmas 2016

Can't wait for the day to come. I v been believing that each year will bring its own troubles, sweetness and many others. Since 2015, I v been thinking that 2016 are going to be a very hard year for me but looking at the calendar now, I think that I have made it so far and I shall marching on a little bit faster to call it a year end.

During Christmas, most people will assume that its about time to enjoy the moment of spending your time with your loved ones. You will see a lot of department store selling all those ornaments, red and green decorations, silver bells, holly, mistletoe and colored lights. Universal mantra "Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas" will also be heard here and there at almost all department store to attract their customers to buy their items. Even all of us will greetings each other with Merry Christmas all along.

But do everyone knows on the exact meaning of Christmas? Does Christmas seems to be the joint word of Christ Mass to celebrate the day of our beloved Jesus birthday. Lets look into Matthew 12:36-37

"But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof int the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

Lets try to put aside all the normal customs and traditions of celebrating Christmas, which were taken from pagan witchcraft and popularized by Roman Catholic church, and learn slowly to focus on the true meaning of the words, "Merry Christmas!"

Merry define as happy while Mass in religious usage means a death sacrifice. If that concludes the meaning of Christmas, then I believe that we will need to say it slowly now, not in a happy mood that our God has died on the cross to clean our sin. Or you can choose to think about it again before you say anything.

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