Wednesday 17 May 2017

Just A Fool

Another shot of whiskey please bartender
Keep it coming 'till I don't remember at all
How bad it hurts when you're gone (na na na na)

Turn the music up a little bit louder
Just gotta get past the midnight hour (uh, huh)
Maybe tomorrow it won't be this hard

Who am I kidding?
I know what I'm missing

Oh, I had my heart set on you
But nothing else hurt like you do
Who knew that love was so cruel (yeah yeah yeah)
And I waited and waited so long
For someone who'll never come home
Its my fault to think you'll be true (yeah, yeah)
I'm just a fool

I say I don't care and walk away, whatever
And I tell myself we were bad together (uh, huh)
But that's just me trying to move on without you

But who am I kidding?
I know what I'm missing

I had my heart set on you
But nothing else hurts like you do
Who knew that love was so cruel (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And I waited and waited so long
For someone who'll never come home
It's my fault to think you'll be true (yeah, yeah)
I'm just a fool

For holding into someone that's never come back
I can't accept that it's lost

I should have let it go
Held my tongue
Keep my big mouth shut
'Cause now everything is just wrong, wrong, wrong

I'm just a fool
A fool for you
I'm just a fool

Lagu Ziarah

Berbahagialah orang yang taat kepada Tuhan, yang hidup menurut perintah-Nya. Hasil jerih payahmu akan mencukupi keperluanmu; engkau akan berbahagia dan makmur. Isterimu akan menjadi seperti pokok anggur yang subur di dalam rumahmu, dan anak-anakmu umpama pokok zaitun yang muda di sekeliling mejamu.

Orang yang taat kepada Tuhan pasti akan diberkati sedemikian. 

Tuesday 16 May 2017


Believe the Blessing Promise

"People have always craved for shortcuts to get what they want" YES and that is why Ponce de Leon searched for the fountain of youth; and the reason why Harry Potter and his friends studied magic; that is why Willie Sutton robbed banks; and that is also the reason why people gamble.

Many people easily forgotten about the easiest way that we can choose that will significantly improve your home life by not chanting Leviosa! or Alohomora! The secret is by fearing Lord.

"Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord"(Psalm 128: 1 - 4)

Deep inside, I wanted to learn (in a very hard way) just to realize two things.

First, "fear" in this senses does not mean to be terrified. It means to respect God, prize your relationship with him above all things, pay attention to his Word, be proud to be identified with Him, and make your life decision based on his will.

Second, God blesses those who fear (i.e respect and obey) him. "Bless" means that the almighty God intervenes in your life and changes its course to make it better for you no matter what. He will makes good things happen for you that wouldn't have occurred otherwise.

Everyone will love living in a blessed home.